What’s A Whoopie Ball??

A couple of our most frequently asked questions are “What is a Whoopie Ball?” and “Did you come up with them?”

Well, Whoopie Balls are our unique take on the chocolate dipped whoopie pie idea.  We started making Whoopie Balls a few years ago because we had a lot of cake and filling left over from making lots of whoopie pies and we started to experiment with it.  After a few iterations and a couple of odd fails, we developed our now famous best seller – the Chocolate Dipped Whoopie Ball!

So yes, they are definitely our creation.  As a matter fact, we even have Whoopie Balls trade marked!

We originally had only two flavors in the beginning, classic cream and peanut butter.  We have since slowly added other flavors to the line up, some have done well and some have been phased out (peppermint was definitely a strange one).  We now have over 15 flavors, including some great seasonal tastes like Eggnog, Red Velvet, and Pumpkin Spice.

Whoopie Balls are by far our most popular item, we make hundreds of them weekly during tourist season and have plenty of orders for parties, wedding banquets, and even holiday office gifts.